Saturday, May 15, 2010

Home birth

Yay! A baby was born. We visited the family in the afternoon and she was just getting into active labour so we said, "See you in a few hours, or call us if you need us!" It was her second child so we thought we might have time to go check on another woman who was in hospital progressing very s-l-o-w-l-y but we had to turn around to come back to Doesburg for the home delivery. I got to boil the water for filling those baby/bed/clothes warming stainless steel bottles with and check out the equipment. Things progressed quickly and a beautiful chubby girl was born after a few pushes. The nurse helper didn't make it in time for the delivery. I was on camera duty again this time, but was got a good view of and was impressed with the Dutch style of placental delivery. I think I might try it, but I'm afraid it will be a lot messier. After that we headed out to the hospital where our woman was still not really in labour, so she got some morphine to try to sleep and that was all for the night. Today I did some more home visits checked our woman in the hospital (who is now no longer our patient as she has an epidural) and hung out in Doesburg a little. I was able to borrow a bike, so I biked over to the office to check my email and read some news! I'm not used to living with no email, no internet, no TV. I have the radio on all the time, but really don't understand much!

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