Friday, May 21, 2010

Week 3

It's already half-way over. In many ways it has gone very quickly. Today though, I'm feeling homesick. This morning we all went to the wedding ceremony for one of the midwives here. We biked over - a group of five to the place were the wedding was being held in a teahouse. It was really nice to be invited and welcome but I felt like a total dork when I joined the congratulation line or whatever it's called and after greeting the bride & groom had to say hello to all the confused relatives who were standing there wondering "who the hell is that?" I decided to pass on the next phase of the celebrations which is beginning now. I thought it was Saturday so went to the "market" only to realize it's Friday. Pity! Anyway in good news I attended another birth in hospital on Wednesday. It was quick and straightforward with the mom delivering on the birth stool which was in the delivery suite. This was a different hospital than the last birth I went to, but I heard they reserve this room for the midwives. The weird things about it are there is no shower or toilet in the room! Luckily for our mom she wasn't there long enough to notice. She gave birth at 16:50 and was home at 22:00. Last night I was invited to dinner at one of the midwife's home and we had a really nice walk after dinner to see the sights of the town including a large castle and windmill on the IJessel river. It was a really nice evening. Well I guess there's not really that much to complain about after all. I am just looking forward to my family joining me soon!


  1. Biking to a wedding? That rocks. Fill us in about the Dutch style of delivering placentas!

  2. I didn't know your family was joining you! How nice!
