Friday, May 7, 2010

Something baby related

Since I'm still waiting to go to my first delivery, here is a trailer for a movie that looks so good!
It's another gloomy weather day. I was thinking summer when I packed, and now am really glad I threw in a couple of sweaters at the last minute. I'm staying on call for the weekend, but not going to any of the postpartum visits. Right now I'm at the office to do some work that requires internet and having a coffee (made here of course). Don't know how, but I'm managed to avoid caffeine withdrawal symptoms since I haven't been having a coffee every day. I guess the tea is powerful enough. Bye for now!


  1. Can't wait to see Babies! Jill, are you living in the house that Laura lived in? Hope you are doing some pics!

  2. Do you want to see the place I'm staying? I took some pics, but with a weird colour saturation effect so it looks really spooky, but I'll post it for you!
